Sarrarcenia x ‘Lady Bug’ – Little Bug Pitcher Plant – 1-Pint


A member of the Little Bug series of pitcher plant hybrids developed by Larry Mellichamp at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. ‘Lady Bug’ has fat, upright, green and apple red pitchers. The flaring hoods are rounded, wide open, and an almost solid rufous red. The backs of the pitchers are laced with red veins around white areoles (windows), providing a spotted look. It attracts lots of insect activity with nectar glands around the red lips. It’s very vigorous and readily forms dense colonies. A complex hybrid involving Parrot Pitcher Plant (S. psittacina), Purple Pitcher Plant (S. purpurea) and Hooded Pitcher Plant (S. minor)


Pitcher Plant family (Sarraceniaceae)

Photo by Aaron Carlson from Menomonie, WI, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Updated 24 December 2024