Cornus florida ‘Cherokee Princess’ – Flowering Dogwood


Heavy bloom of flowers with large white bracts and it blooms consistently every year. Virtually every evaluation places this among the best of the C. florida cultivars. Excellent resistance to anthracnose.

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Perhaps North America’s premier small flowering tree. The “flowers” are actually bracts that surround a central cluster of small flowers. These flowers give rise to clusters of berries that turn crimson at about the same time the foliage is changing to burgundy – the flush of colors is designed to let birds know it’s time for a feast. Grow in full to mostly sunny exposure and moist soil.

Dogwood family (Cornaceae)

Photo by David J. Stang, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Updated 9 April 2024

Additional information

Pot size

3-Gallon, 5-Gallon, 7-Gallon, 10-Gallon