Malus ‘Freedom’- Disease-resistant Apple – 7-Gallon


Introduced by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva in 1984, this variety is virtually immune to apple scab and shows good resistance to cedar apple rust, powdery mildew and fireblight. This allows ‘Freedom’ to be grown without protective fungicidal or bactericidal sprays and makes it a good choice for organic growers. ‘Freedom’ is a medium to large multi-purpose apple, good for fresh eating, sauce, and juice – an average keeper. Its parents include two tasty apples, ‘Macoun’ and ‘Golden Delicious,’ – its flavor is sprightly subacid, and the quality is good. Freedom blooms mid-season and is an excellent pollenizer.

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Semi-dwarf rootstock, 12-15′

Updated 28 November 2024