Schizachyrium scoparium ‘The Blues’ – Little Bluestem


‘The Blues’ has particularly attractive blue-green stems that turn copper-orange in the fall and contrast beautifully with early Winter snowfalls. It was selected by Kurt Bluemel Nursery in Maryland from seedlings of the cultivar ‘Aldous’ provided by Dr. Richard Lighty of the Mt. Cuba Center, Delaware. ‘Aldous’ originated from plants growing in the Flint Hills Prairie, Kansas.

SKU: N/A Category:


One of the most characteristic grasses of Tallgrass Prairies and common in old fields in theCatskills. Clump-forming and fine-textured with delicate inflorescences that become silvery and noticeably attractive when side-lit or back-lit by the Autumn or early Winter sun. You can help seed-eating birds that overwinter in our area by waiting to trim grasses back to the ground until early to mid spring.

Grass family, Poaceae

Updated 15 September 2022

Additional information

Pot size

2 gallon, 1 pint, 5 pint