Symphyotrichum lateriflorum ‘Lady in Black’- Calico Aster


The flowers on this bushy aster may be small in size but they are packed with nectar and attract a wide variety of native pollinators. In fact we find it to be one of, if not the best aster for this purpose. Non-native honeybees also are strongly attracted to Calico Aster. The ray flowers are white to very pale lavender. The disk flowers start out yellow then fade to a raspberry-purple color that is distinctive. As is the strongly lateral branching that provides the bushy form and allows the plant to be virtually covered in flowers. We also often offer a dark-leaved form ‘Lady in Black’.

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Aster family (Asteraceae)

Updated 2 October 2023

Additional information

Pot size

1-Pint, 5-Pint