Taxodium distichum ‘Emerald Shadow’ – Baldcypress – 7-Gallon


‘Emerald Shadow’ was selected by Tennessee nurseryman Don Shadow for its extremely uniform upright habit, as well as its beautiful emerald green foliage color.


Updated 9 October 2021

Only 1 in stock

This quintessential tree of southern bayous is surprisingly adaptable. It’s cold hardy throughout the Catskills and needs only moist soil to thrive, not a bayou. It’s an obvious choice for pond side or a sunny, wet swale. Think of it as a native alternative to Weeping Willow. The foliage turns amber yellow in fall before falling. Most Bald Cypresses live about 500 years, the record is over 1,000. This is a tree to plant not only for your grandchildren but for many generations to come.