Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Bluecrop’ – Highbush Blueberry


Introduced in 1941, part of a second wave of cultivars from the USDA breeding program in New Jersey, it became and remains the leading commercial variety in North America and around the world. ‘Bluecrop’ is a midseason variety with consistent yields, large, high quality fruit and disease resistance – along with ‘Blueray’ and ‘Duke’, one of our three favorite early to mid-season blueberries. ‘Bluecrop’ is an upright, open growing bush to 4-6 feet. There are other varieties with better ornamental features but none are better in the garden. Avoid picking at the “pink-back” stage when it is still quite tart.

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Heath family (Ericaceae)

Updated 20 December 2024

Additional information

Pot size

3-Quart, 2-Gallon, 3-Gallon, 5-Gallon