Woodpecker House


This house is designed to be mounted to a post, wall or tree and attract a variety of woodpeckers, most likely Downy, Hairy, Red-bellied and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. It’s probably a little too small for Flickers. Red-headed Woodpeckers would also use the house, though they mostly occur in the Hudson Valley and southern part of Ulster County in river bottoms, wooded swamps, and open grasslands with scattered trees. This species has suffered significant population declines recently and has become quite rare in our area – if you’ve ever seen them on your property putting up a house could help them reproduce. Entrance hole is 2 inches and includes a predator guard.

Mount from just out of reach to twenty feet – no more than can safely be reached and returned to for yearly maintenance. Replace cedar wood chips yearly in Spring.

Made in Michigan from rot-resistant cedar wood and rust-resistant stainless steel and dichromate plated screws for long life. Includes cedar wood chips.

Available on backorder

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