Monarda ‘Blue Moon’ – Sugar Buzz® Bee Balm


Breeders of bee balm (Monarda) seem obsessed with creating miniature varieties that have little resemblance to the ancestral meadow species – we tend to avoid them in favor of taller varieties like ‘Jacob Cline,’ ‘Raspberry Wine’ and ‘Purple Rooster.’ The Sugar Buzz® Series though receives our approval. It’s more mid-sized – about 16-24” – and with a fantastic array of colors. Flowers appear midsummer on strong, well-branched stems. Foliage is a deep, dark green color and all varieties have good resistance to powdery mildew. Perhaps most importantly these varieties – as reflected in the Sugar Buzz® name – produce abundant nectar and are attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies and bees.

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Mint family (Lamiaceae)

Image by Walters Gardens, Inc.

Updated 24 December 2024

Additional information

Pot size

1.25-Quart, 5-Pint, 2-Gallon