Heuchera villosa forma purpurea ‘Bronze Wave’ – Mapleleaf Alumroot


This large, showy plant grows on moist rocky cliffs and outcrops primarily in the Southern Appalachian Mountains from West Virginia to Kentucky south to Alabama and Georgia. It’s a late bloomer, forming airy panicles of flowers that appear like a veil over the sharply lobed foliage. While tiny, the flowers provide nectar for small bees and, somewhat surprisingly, hummingbirds as well. ‘Autumn Bride’ is the most common form in horticulture with hirsute, velvety leaves and somewhat larger flowers. The species often has leaves that take on a purplish cast, particularly pronounced in ‘Palace Purple.’ ‘Bronze Wave’ from Primrose Path in Pennsylvania has shiny, almost lacquered looking foliage. Mapleleaf Alumroot is being used more and more by breeders to lend vigor and large foliage size to plants – many of the best alumroot cultivars we offer have H. villosa in their parentage.

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Saxifrage family (Saxifrageaceae)

Updated 15 February 2024

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Pot size

1.25-Quart, 3-Quart