Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’ – Little Bluestem


Standing Ovation’ is an introduction from North Creek Nurseries in Pennsylvania. It keeps a tight, upright habit throughout the entire season even in rich soils. The foliage is blue-green with hints of greens, purples and pinks. Fall brings out stunning reds and oranges.

SKU: N/A Category:


Grass family (Poaceae)

One of the most characteristic grasses of Tallgrass Prairies and common in old fields in theCatskills. Clump-forming and fine-textured with delicate inflorescences that become silvery and noticeably attractive when side-lit or back-lit by the Autumn or early Winter sun. You can help seed-eating birds that overwinter in our area by waiting to trim grasses back to the ground until early to mid spring.

Updated 12 April 2024

Additional information

Pot size

1.25-Quart, 2-Quart, 3-Quart, 2-Gallon