Trillium erectum – Purple Trillium or Wake Robin


The most common Trillium in the Catskills and a good choice for the woodland garden due to its vigorous growth and adaptability. The nodding flowers are more of a deep red color than purple and the plant is often named Red Trillium. They have a fetid odor used to attract flies for pollination and yet another name is Stinking Benjamin. The odor is noticeable only at very close range so don’t hesitate to place this Trillium near pathways or benches. Over time, when happy, it will form substantial clumps of stems. It will also spread by seed, though this takes time – usually at least seven years from seed to flowering plant. Another common name, perhaps the nicest, is Wake Robin.

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Updated 23 October 2021

Lily family – Liliaceae

Presently dormant; Available Spring 2022

Additional information

Pot size

1-Pint, 1-Quart, 2-Quart